FM Water Systems

Hard Water - Causes?

Water containing high concentrations of metals and minerals, such as calcium, manganese, and magnesium, is considered hard water.

Protect Your Household Fixtures from Hard Water.

Hard Water Treatment in Fargo, North Dakota.

What is Hard Water? Hard water contains high concentrations of dissolved metals and minerals. It may may still look clear but have an unpleasant taste or smell. Even with the smell in most cases it’s not harmful. If you have spots on your glasses and dishes and scum in the shower and tub, then you most likely have hard water. The hardness level of your water will determine the severity of the scale and build up of minerals on other plumbing fixtures. Your laundry may also show stains too. Limescale build-up in your water heater, washing machine, dishwasher, and other appliances that use hot water is another tell tale sign of hard water. These limescale deposits often cause plumbing and appliance-related problems. These problems may require more frequent repairs and also increases the odds of replacement.

Hard Water and Your Hair


As Stated earlier, hard water has a larger concentration of minerals. These minerals bond to your hair and create a film that inhibits moisture from helping your hair. This film is hard to get out of your hair and can make your hair shampoos, conditioners, and other hair treatments fail. It can make hair dull, frizzy, stiff. This can lead to things like more tangles.  Effects are greater when hair is washed with hard water over an extended period of time.

Questions and Answers

Q: Will prolonged use of hard water cause hair loss?

A: Yes; Unfortunately prolonged exposure to hard water can cause issues that will eventually lead to hair loss.

Q: Why Is hard water bad for your hair?

A: The minerals found in hard water contain more minerals than soft water, this will have negative effects on hair and  lead to damage and breakage to your hair.

Q: How do you prevent hair damage from  hard water?

A: Install a water softener . This is the  best way to prevent hair damage from  hard water. Other solutions like special shampoos, hair masks, and rinses can help reduce hard water effects.

Q: Can you reverse the effects of hard water  on your hair?

A: Yes wash your hair using soft water. Washing with soft water will help heal your hair by  reducing the film caused by hard water. 

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Film on Shower and Sinks

Hard Water consistently wreaks havoc on your shower, faucets, shower heads, toilets, Appliances, Water heaters and more.

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How Hard Water affects us

From our skin being dryer all the way to how our shampoo lathers up hard water can affect us in multiple ways.

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Stained Appliances

Hard water leaves stains and compromises the effectiveness of our appliances as well as reduces the life of these appliances.

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Protect Yourself  Your Family and Appliances From Harm.

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